Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Time To Vote What Do You Want To See More Of?

Hi All, firstly thanks for reading my blog. When I started this I did it to practise my writing, yet it has grown into a real passion and is being read around the world by so many different people so from the bottom of my heart I thank you for that.

I have branched off into many different areas as well because of this blog and my confidence has grown hugely. I write now for Skysports, Dagenham and Redbrridge supporters website, I have another blog interviewing Dagenham and Redbrdige supporters. as well as having started my second book after completing my first and also undertaking a writing course as well.

I do this whilst holding down a full-time job, being a father too 4 brilliant kids and a husband to a brilliant, beautiful and understanding wife. Why do I do it? Because I love it simple as that. I'm never happier than when writing.

So Ive attached a poll on the right that will allow me to write about what you want to see. I have so many ideas but what would you like to see more off? Click the button and let me know its anonymous so I wont know its you.

Also can I ask that if you like what I write you recommend it to your friends using the share button for facebook and twitter as well as following my blog either by the google button or the facebook button.

Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading My Thoughts Are Not Always Crazy.




  1. I voted for interviews. I like them, it interests me reading about other people.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I must admit they are one of my favorites too do. There's lots more of them ones to come so keep an eye out for them.
