Tuesday, 12 October 2010

To The Love Of My Life My Wife Happy Anniversary

This is a proper sentimental one but she deserves it. Ive written this so many times trying to get what I want to say down and its probably been one of the most difficult ones because I want it to be right for her to tell her how much I love her so here goes. Happy Anniversary x

It was 20 years ago today that I met the woman who would change my life forever and make me the man I am. My wife, My soul mate, My Best Friend. I suppose you could call us childhood sweethearts, we were 17 when we met and I can still remember it as clear as yesterday.

I was sitting in my future brother-in-laws clapped out beige Fiesta trying to get the attention of this other girl who Id asked out a few days earlier when there she was. All permed hair, Miami Vice style jacket, blue jeans and high heels. Hey the 80's had just finished what did you expect?.

I never believed in love at first sight but when I saw her I knew she was the girl for me. I cant explain it, something just went off in my head and I knew it was her. This though left me in a little bit of a predicament though. What I didn't know was that the girl Id just asked out was her mate. So being the kinda cool guy I was I quietly dumped her mate and turned my attention to Sarah.

It turned out to be one of the best decisions Ive ever made and Ive never regretted it. Ever. We have had hard times like everyone, we rarely argue and she makes me laugh everyday. She changed me for the better and supports me even when I have the most crazy of ideas. She has a way of persuading me to do things I don't want to do by making me feel guilty about until I do it. I wouldn't change that though its what I love about her.

We work at what we have, some people give up too easily, I never will. I know what I have is truly special to me. I will never do anything to hurt her, as Paul Newman once said "Why go out for burger when you have steak at home?" that to me sums up how I feel about her. She is everything I could ever possibly want. There will never be another.

She is the most important person in my life and I would be totally lost without her. She is the mother of my 4 kids. I knew when I met her that she was the one who I wanted to be with, to have kids with, to spend my life with. The best mum in the world to them and always does whatever she can to make sure they are happy and they get what they want within reason. She is the most caring and loving person I have ever met. She is so many peoples shoulder to cry on and she does it without moaning every time.

She changed me from the person I was to the person I am now and she did it not for herself but for me. To make me happier about myself and the person I want to be. She doesn't moan when I spend most of the night on my laptop writing my blogs and book. She understands this is what I want to do and supports me in doing this.

Id be lost without her, she is my whole world. I cannot explain to you how much I love and respect her and count myself extremely lucky to have met her. I could use all the cliches in the book but I'm trying not to because I don't want this too sound cheesy.

If you know her you ll understand what I'm saying. Some people go their whole lives not meeting the 'one', I'm one of the lucky ones who did. I know what Ive got and I'm never letting it go. We've been married 13 years this year and that's for life as well. To death do us part.

Sarah, I know you'll laugh at this blog and be a little embarrassed by it, you'll moan at me for being soppy as you always do, but well I just want you to know I love you with all my heart and I wake up every day realising how lucky I was too have met you when I did and the way you changed me for the better. I will continue to be the best father and husband I can because that is what you deserve. Nothing less. Thank you for being my wife, the mother of my kids, the person who changed me, but most of all for loving me. When we are old and grey I want us to be the old couple sitting on Hastings beach sharing a bag of chips and watching the youngsters walking by.

I love you Doris and I always will. xxx


  1. does this mean your cooking tonight steak i presume.....luv wifey xxxxxxxxxxx"ditto"

  2. I ain't seen that in a while lol ditto to you too
