Thursday, 11 November 2010

An Open Letter To This Spineless Goverment

Dear Prime Minister

Today was Remembrance Day where we remember the fallen and those that are still fighting wars that you and previous Prime Ministers have sent them too. I feel the need to remind you because what I have seen on the streets of my country has disgusted and upset me beyond belief. I am attached to no party I vote for who I think can do the best job for the country at the time. At the last election I decided that was you.

Due to the social experiment of the last government and the fact that his wife wanted to line her pockets, we had something forced upon us called the Human Rights Act. We then had an open gate policy with regards to immigration as well to contend with. I believe that most of the people that come here do so for the right reasons. To build a better life for themselves and they should be welcomed. However there are those that come here for the benefits because we are an easy target.

Today, your government, your police force, let down the people of this country badly. You also let down those that have fought and died for this country, those that continue to do so and their families. I am a huge supporter of our Armed Forces, I hate war, but I support them for the job they do and will continue to do so. Your government and police force though today allowed a small minority, and I mean small, to protest and carry banners with the most disgusting things written on them. You allowed them to do this on this day, you allowed them to break the two minute silence as well. YOU Prime Minister and YOUR Government and YOUR Police Force should be ashamed of THEIR and YOUR  actions. This is not the first time this has happened either. It happen in a town where I live close by in the summer and it happened in a court case recently as well.

Why do you allow these people to do this? Why do you allow these people to STAY in this country. They obviously don't want to be here so arrest them and deport them. This is the biggest risk to this country in my living memory. The IRA were not allowed to protest on English soil so why are these people? I feel you need to answer these questions and take serious action. If the police officers in command refuse to arrest these people or order their officers too arrest them then sack them. This isn't about taking back the streets, this isn't about taking away peoples rights to protest, this about saying to people that they cannot do what they did today ever again.

Let me ask you this Prime Minister if you will allow me. Would they have been allowed to do this in America, France, Germany, Australia, Holland to name a few? Ill tell you the answer shall I? No they wouldn't have been. So why do you allow them to do it in THIS country?. Your lack of action will fester peoples hatred of these people and believe me the feeling is so strong among people I know that if they do this again people WILL take the law into their own hands. You can prevent this. YOU CAN STOP this by doing what is right.

So to end Prime Minister I shall say this. I have tried very hard to control my temper when I have written this too you. I shall be posting this on my Facebook page and will encourage people to pass this onto their MP. I shall also post this on my blog as well and any response I get from you (which I doubt but if you don't try you don't get do you?).

To end then I have one request. If you want MY vote at the next election you need to do something to make sure this doesn't happen again. Let them protest by all means but inciting hatred and racial hatred which this was, I believe is against the law in this country isn't it? How about ENFORCING that law for once.

Kind Regards

Anthony Hodgson

p.s. I have also attached a blog I wrote today about our soldiers. Its called Lest We Forget, I hope you haven't.


  1. this is a brilliant letter and you should be commended for writing it...i look forward to seeing his response if any, tho like you i doubt he will. you have my full support and i will repost this to my facebook in the hope others will do the same.

  2. Thanks very much. I had too redo it so many times as I was so angry when I wrote it but I had to be very careful of how I worded it.

  3. Brilliant letter! have posted on my FB so other people will see and back it.

  4. I completely back this letter all the way!
    Why does the government tip toe around this barbaric minority? As a country we are so scared of being called 'racist' that no real action is ever taken! It is racist not to take action against these cruel, sick people because if it was a white British national carrying out the same vile acts, you can guarantee they would serve the consequences. Politicians need to GROW A BACK BONE!
    Just to clear the air, I am not racist in the slightest and the BNP disgust me. This is an educated response.

  5. brilliant letter! i eagerly await a response but like u don't it will get one. We scrapped our towns christmas trees and take down our union jacks and St Georges flags because it offends them yet stand by and watch as they disrepect our troops and ourselves on a day important to so many.We wouldn#t tolerate this behaviour in our homes or in our pubs so why should we have to allow it in our towns and cities??

  6. hear hear!!!! im absolutey DISGUSTED with our police and government for allowing this to happen and for the way it seems to have be not shown on tonights news. Did our ancestors die for our country to be taken over like it is today? Our troops are STILL dieing! for what? where are they getting? NOWHERE! because people like this are STILL being allowed to get into and stay in our country.......i am not a racist person but this is DISGRACEFUL and is getting peoples backs up, our government need to take note act NOW!!!!!!!! the men who have been sent to war by YOU will be turning in their graves!

  7. have posted it on my wall and brilliant writing i would have lost my cool and it would have come out all wrong hopefully you will get a reply

  8. Ivan from Belgium11 November 2010 at 22:56

    Well done Mr. Anthony Hodgson !!

  9. If I burned a Mohamed effigy in my High st I would be front page local news. Stop with the PC walking on egg shells bullshit! Threy're blatantly liars ( student fees )so why do we expect any thing more of them. They, after all are supposed to represent OUR opinions, not pander to the business "elite" , fleecing the worse off to make ammends for greedy bastards screw ups! Apologies for incoherent ranting, I could go on. Well done Anthony for taking the time. TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!! paul waring FB London.

  10. The police might have been able to do a better job in London both today and yesterday if it had not been for all the cuts in this sector.

  11. Excellent mate!!

  12. Fantastic letter! I am sure all the British will agree with you, except the government as they are spineless wimps and others have more rights, whom were not born here or worked and paid taxes.
    We have freedom of speech, but are racist if speak out about extremists, ok for them to preach hatred against us, in our country and our government is handing them a fortune on benefits of our tax money and we have homeless on our streets, people with disabilities and carers whom leave good, well paid jobs for 25p an hour, and the likes of abdul hamza, was on a hell of a lot more money, (on benefits, preaching hatred against us) than the average lower paid tax payer .I could go on.

    How are these extremists allowed to disgrace all the people in the forces, whom died due to wars the government sent them too!
    How disgraceful and disgusting. Where is the petition I can sign?

  13. excellent letter, i am incensed at the condemnation of our own children's protest (and no i dont condone the violence) Yet this spineless government gives house room to this vile protest, freedom of speech only applies if you dont disagree with the Government, and your right the people of this country have had enough of the lack of being able to have any pride in this country...Human Rights what a joke......funny how we don't invade china nor did we rush to protect the Tibetan people! there is no such thing as Politics its all about whose back they can scratch!

  14. Total support on this letter. I couldnt have kept calm like you have. Total respect to our troops.

  15. every word you write is so true am glad they is someone out there like you.....are servicemen and woman do a fantastic job and am so proud to wear my poppy xxxxx

  16. I do not wish to remain anonymous as I totaly agree with what you have written. I live in Turkey. I am married to a Muslim and took the Muslim faith but I am still British. My husband only ever talks about the good in the Muslim religion, and he is angry too at the things some people do. Recently there was a minutes silence to mark Ataturks death or something in Turkey. Had any christians shown such appauling behaviour here, I dread to think of the punishment they would have faced, and may I add, deserved.

  17. Well said mate.....Totally agree!!

  18. Couldn't agree more but call me a pessimist, worse will happen before I leave this earth because our Government are spineless cowards afraid of rocking the boat! B***ox to that.....ACT NOW Mr Prime Minister before It's too late and regain control of Britain!! RIP.....Lest we forget!

  19. Carol thank you for your comments. There is good and bad in all religions. I live in a predominant Asian area always have done all my life. I adhorb racism of any level. The few today went too far and they did it at the most poignant time for everyone. There is a total media black out in the uk about what happened today and I cam understand why as it will just inflame the situation. I was so angry that I wrote this letter and it seems to have struck a cord. Hopefully something will be done about it.

  20. Totally support this letter. I am literally seething with anger and have been since hearing about the disgusting actions of these people. How much will extremists get away with until proper action is taken? They are making a mockery of Britain and will continue to do so until our government stop pussy-footing around. *Sigh.*

  21. EXCELLANT and as for the bad comments from you selfish ppl think about wot u put in future oh and if u dont like r soldiers then feel free 2 leave this country or even jump off

  22. To all those that keep posting vile messages on here. Have the balls to put a name to it. I have stood up for something I believe in. How about you put a name too your beliefs? Or are you too scared of the repurcussions you may face?. Kepp posting them and I will keep deleting them.

    To everyone else, this was a way for me too let of some steam. I appear to have touched a nerve which I didnt expect to have the effect it has. I write for my own pleasure nothing more and share this blog with a small group of friends. You are all welcome to post comments and thank you to those that have done.

    If you wish to follow this blog regulary then please click on one of the links that are avaiable.

    Kindest Regards

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Great post Anthony!

    Ignore the ignorant comments posted above, I am sure if someone had disrespected them towards their beliefs and cultures then they would be writing the same but obviously with a lot less tact. They are calling you a fool for writing about how you feel and what you believe, mocking you for a simple error. It seems to me they might be the uneducated fools as they have a need to use profanities as a means of expression. I am sure they do not teach these words in higher education but on the streets. Good for them!!!
    I am glad you can rise above their ignorance and speak up for what you believe in.

  25. I agree with you in some respects here, and that there is a problem with free speech etc, but not with the solution.
    I think the whole 'lets deport em' idea doesnt really address the root of the issue. First of,race or 'being british'(which most of them probably are) is not the issue, Islam is a belief not a race.

    Personally i want to hear what these people have to say, no matter what ignorant, angry bile they spew out.
    We need to hear it, and debate it to show why they are wrong.
    Censoring them will only make things worse, get them on question time, and show any potential sympathyzers that they are angry, ignorant idiots!

    You are right though in the respect of the hypocrisy of freedom of speech/expression laws, its got to be all or nothing. You should be able to burn effigys of their prophet if you want. Islam as any other religion/ideas should be open to critisism and ridicule, but we have to give them this right too.

  26. James I agree we should have an open debate. The damage Nick Griffin did to the BNP when he went on question time was huge. People that votes for them saw them for what they were and they got destroyed in the general election. I will support freedom of speech as I feel it is essential to a society. However when it crosses the line and is hate filled and racist theblaw needs to deal with it whether they are white, black or asain. I would like to see them have an open debate but I'm afraid they won't.

    Thanks for the comments much appreciated.

  27. I think the government wants us to turn on each other. There were muslim women who went out of their way to lay poppy memorials down and yet that barely gets a mention.
    When will this blatant racist attitude toward muslims end? No-one behaves this way about any other religion, and all religions cause argument.
    Whilst I do not think what the extremists did was right, I can see why they did it. We are asking them to respect people who have more than likely driven them out of their home country due to war- pointless war made up by a government who just fancied it. (Weapons of mass destruction was a hoax, look it up) Why should they stand their and respect people who have killed people they may know, destroyed their homes and cities and then get saluted for their efforts. I agree that it was the wrong place for a protest, they should have just not been there.
    But its curious why the police let them get away with it, they must have known it would spark this off, more hatred. Which will cause the muslim population to do what, hug us and never do it again? No, it will encourage more of them to fight against a seemingly racist overall population.

  28. To all those who died to save us and our country, I apologise that we and the government have let you down. The poppy is a symbol of what was fought for, a place a pride, respect and rememberance. Today we and the government let the minority of ignorant, facists, who declare that allah be the be all and end all, disrespect your memories. What a sad world we have become, when you fought to protect with pride and dignity, all we could do was become shadows of what we want and need of this country under the banner of human rights. It appears that the british are the only ones who have lost their human rights when we can no longer speak, criticise or defend ourselves without becoming the bigots. I feel that I speak for many in this country that we have become so embarrassed by our government, that given the money or change of circumstances we would choose to live elsewhere. However, saying that my thoughts will always remain with those brave souls who fought for the right reason. Debbie x

  29. Because the police and government are scared of was said one day they will take over the world.That day is slowly but surely coming. Its a disgrace, F**K human rights.Its just another made up load of B******t. Britain isnt British any more it belongs to them,they can do what they like when they like,and get away with it.They play on racialism if they get upset by anything we say or do,and the law is always on their side.

  30. Excellent letter, sir. Many expat Brits, Aussies, Americans and Canadians totally agree with you.

    Pop into our expat site, Ross's Right Angle and read some of the posts, and comment too!

  31. I feel our Police force were as guilty as the perpetrators of this crime and, crime it was. Their inaction caused violent disorder to ensue despite the laws being more than adequate to stop the extremist's actions before any offence to decency had been committed that directly caused the disorder.
    But let's not forget this isn't the first outrage by Muslim extremists nor, sadly, I doubt will it be the last.

  32. I've been putting this off for a couple of days now as I was too angry to write a proper response.
    I feel let down by the Government that I voted for, I feel let down by the police for not stopping this outragous "protest". But most of all I feel let down by the media. Never before have I ever witnessed a blatent media blackout like that. Ok so it probably happens all the time and I don't pay enough attention to notice but thats not the point. The one thing that makes this Country great (or used to) was that you could always rely on the media to find things that were being swept under the rug and to report them (expenses scandel anyone)?
    I also just wanted to say to all the extremist Muslims out there, We are not fighting a "Holy War" (believe me you would know about it if we ever went down that road again(think Crusade)). So what I don't understand is why your all so against what we are doing? We are bringing peace and stability to a region that has never had it. We are not fighting Islam or any other religion for that matter.
    Most if not all of the people that were burning the poppies were probably born in the UK, so it's THIS country that you need to support because this is the Country that feeds you and your families, THIS is YOUR Country as well. It's time you learned where your alligence should lie, because I can promise you that this Country is a far better place to live and raise children than Afganistan is. But as some of the other posts have said, if you prefer that kind of life then you are free to leave, because many other people would welcome the chance to come and settle in England.
    I know this is a long post but my Final point is this. I really appreciate the job our service men and woman are doing over there. It's difficult and many of them are dying but they will never be forgotten. There are still some people in this COuntry that believe that you guys are doing the right thing by being there. Keep up the good work.

    Chris Pye.

  33. Hi I have just read your letter to the Prime Minister and I live in New Zealand. Your blog is going around the world and gathering momentum. The Brits who live abroad do so because they cannot bear to see what is happening to their country. My heart bleeds when I think of those who not only served but died in 2 world wars only to have their memories treated like this. Good on you Anthony its time someone stood up and spoke.
    Marje and Barrie Eynon Auckland

  34. Sir, I can only say how pleased I am to know I am not the only one to have put down in words my feelings of those events that equate to nothing less than treason. thank you for sharing yours with us all... I wish I have done the same......

  35. You are 100% right. The irony of this is that the very fundamentalist morons who were protesting, would not even be alive today had we not have won the wars that they were discrediting.

    They're too stupid to even realise that.
