Sunday, 12 December 2010

100 Not Out

Ive written a hundred blogs! Well a 106 to be precise but hey who's counting?. This is going to be a little self indulgent but I'm going too do it anyway. There are so many things I have learnt about this blog since I started doing it. I feel I have become a better writer, I have become a saner person as I get most of my anger out on here, I have become a lot more observant of what goes on around me as well. I have also seen the darker side of writing a blog which wasn't very pleasant to be honest.

I'm not going too go over old ground as Ive covered it in another blog. What it did make me do though was decide what and how I wanted this blog too develop. Its changed my outlook on what I want to do. To begin with when I started this blog it was practise for my writing course. Unfortunately that didn't work out (robbing, lying gits) but it hasn't stopped me from doing what I want to do and that is write.

The comments I get about how much you enjoy it mean a great deal so please keep them coming as it gives me great encouragement. I don't have the most read blog in the world, but that's okay now. I would rather people who I know read what I write than complete strangers. Although saying that those of you that do read it that I don't know thanks very much. I hope you continue to do so and enjoy reading it as much as I do writing them.

I like to change what I do every six months or so because I believe I need too keep it fresh and evolve it. That way the people that read it wont get bored with what I write, as it wont be the same thing day after day. Sammy The Elf started as a gift for my children, something for them too enjoy. Since I started writing it, Ive decided that after Christmas that will be the book that I write. Ive struggled so much too keep the detail down to blog size that to not fully describe the things that I imagine are a waste. Thank you though too Kerry McDonald, Lorraine Rainy Jones, Linda Carnell, Kelly Phelan, Emma O'Doherty and Suzy Neal for your kind comments every week and the way you keep asking when the next week is coming, because without your encouragement I wouldn't have tried too better it every week. I hope that the next two weeks plus when I post it every day before Christmas from the 20th don't disappoint you.

The Big Interview will also come to an end tomorrow and once again what a laugh that has been. Whether you did it through your own need for fame (joking people) or through your sheer kindness I thank you all. Ive kept that going every Monday for the past six months when I only expected too keep it going for a month or two at best. Who knows one day it may return? For now though thanks again.

So where do I go from here? Well Ive got three new weekly features ready too start in the New Year which I'm very excited about. I wont spoil the surprise for now but I promise you they will be great. One of them will be a personal one about me and the others, well you ll have too wait and see wont you.

The one thing though is my goals haven't changed and that is to be a writer. That's what I want to do and that is what hopefully Ill achieve in 2011. Ive been very lucky and fortunate with the support you guys have shown me and the fact that I have had the opportunities to  write for who I write for as well as this blog so a quick shout out too a few more people then I'm done.

Nick Dagger Murphy, mate thank you its a pleasure writing for you and I know Ive freaked out at times but without you my thoughts on Dagenham wouldn't be read my half the people that read them. Very mature for your age and you do a great job. Keep it up.

Robert Hodges, thanks for publishing my inane dribble on the Sky Sports blog page, your comments and thoughts are always welcome.

Hardy1, thanks for giving me publishing capabilities on the Daggers Supporters site, I know I have thrown my dummy out of my pram once or twice, but you have always stuck by me so thanks.

Lee Wilson, The first person who told me I could use his site too write a blog. He also gave me excellent feed back on my book which I'm halfway through but will now take a back seat due too Sammy The Elf. Thanks fella meant a lot and still does.

Finally I cannot end this without thanking the man who started it all for me and gave me my big break. The guy who still encourages me and offers advice when I need it. He has his detractors but without his encouragement I wouldn't have got this far so take a bow Mr Ricky Butler your a legend too me no matter who you annoy and piss off on the Daggers Forum (which he does on a regular basis and he knows it, and what I love is he doesn't care).

So there you go 100 not out. Here's to the next 100.

Thanks again


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