Thursday, 9 December 2010

Sammy The Elf Week 11

Hi there. What a week its been. There are lots of surprises in store so read on and enjoy it as I enter the final few weeks of my journey. Enjoy as always Love Sammy xx

Friday 26th November

Paul took the stand in a very grand way. He strode through the court room his back very straight. His head held high as if too show how important he was. The whole courtroom stopped and watched as he took his place on the stand. I watched nervously, not sure what to expect, but some how knowing that it wasn't going to be good whatever it was.
"Good Morning would you kindly state your name and occupation please?" Mr Johnson spoke from behind his desk he hadn't bothered too get to his feet yet.
"Yes of course. My name is Paul and I am or should that be was, the Kings Butler. A position I have held for over 20 years now" He stared straight ahead his bow tie glistening with the reflection of the light of the courtroom.
"Did you enjoy your work?" Mr Johnson rose from behind his desk and started too pace the room
"Of course. It was a great honour to work for the King and Queen"
"How well did you know the King?"
"As well as anyone in my position could I suppose" came the reply
"Would you say the King trusted you?"
"Of course I was his butler I knew everything that went on in the Palace it is my job to know things"
"Could you give me an example?"
"Well, I knew when the King was troubled, we often spoke of things that were worrying him"
"I see. Why did the King want too see Sammy and his friends?"
"He received a note saying that some visitors were due to arrive and that if he could be so kind as too make them welcome"
"Who was this letter from?" Mr Johnson turned and faced us now
"From someone called Frank I believe"
"Did you know who this Frank was?"
"I had heard his Majesty mention him before. It appears they had a friendship that went back many years."
"Had you met this Frank before?"
"No never"
"Why was that?"
"The King liked too keep some parts of his past life to himself. It was not my position too pry"
"What can you remember off the day the King was killed?"
"He seemed troubled by something. I asked him numerous times but he didn't wish too tell me. All he said was that he had to go away for a day or so and that there was a great threat to the Kingdom"
A gasp was heard around the courtroom as the people in the public gallery heard this. Id forgotten this was the first time they had heard about a threat to them and the King
"What happened on that fateful day?"
"I'm not too sure to be honest. The King left the Palace early in the morning before the Queen was awake. He told me to tell her that he wouldn't be back that day and for her not to worry"
"How did she react?"
"She was nervous but it wasn't the first time the king had left the Palace on a journey"
"What happened next?"
"The King didn't return that night, or the next day. I became worried and went too see Sammy and his friends as Sammy was at the Palace the day before the King left"
"Sammy was at the Palace?" Mr Johnson was standing in front of me now.
"Do you know what for?"
"Why not?"
"The King asked me to go and get him and when he arrived they went of to a room on their own for about 30 minutes then Sammy left"
"Do you know where he went?"
"No I do not"
"Very well then, what happened next?"
"Well like I said after the King didn't return for a few days I went round too Sammy's house too see if he knew where the King was."
"Did he?" ,Mr Johnson was now standing next to Paul in the witness box
"I arrived at Sammy's house but he seemed nervous when I asked him where the King was. I went back to the Palace and spoke to the Chief of Police about what I thought had happened"
"What was that?"
"That some how Sammy and played a part in the Kings disappearance"
"Objection" Mr McCoy rose too his feet "Your honour there is no evidence to suggest Sammy knew what the King had planned to do"
"Overruled. Your client met the King on the day he died did he not?. Please continue Mr Johnson."
"Thank you your honour. So Paul what happened after you spoke to the Chief of Police?"
"We decided too search the house the next day"
"What were you looking for?"
"What kind of evidence?"
"Proof that Sammy knew what had happened to the King"
"Did you find such evidence?"
"Yes we did"
"Which was?"
"A gun under the one they call Sammy's bed"
Again gasps rang out around the courtroom.
"Thank you Paul that will be all"
"Mr McCoy in light of the evidence that has been given today I suggest we adjourn for the day. I'm sure the Queen has found all of this very upsetting as has everyone in the courtroom. This court is adjourned until Monday morning 9am" He banged his hammer on the desk, stood up and left the courtroom.
We were in real trouble now. Something wasn't right though I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something about Paul that didn't look right. Id speak too Frank later to see if I'm right.

Saturday 27th November

I didn't  sleep well at all last night I tossed and turned. I could hear Jack grinding his teeth in his sleep as if he was annoyed as much as I was. Tommy gently sobbed in his sleep as well and called his mums name a few times. I missed my parents as well. They would be worried sick if they knew the mess we were now in. This was going to take a hell of a lot of planning too get us out of it that was sure. The usual inedible food arrived and we sat there toying with it. None of us spoke at a great length there didn't seem much to say to be honest. Peter the large policeman came too see us later on to make sure we were okay. He was trying to be as kind as he could but I wasn't sure now he believed we were as innocent as we had protested. The evidence was pretty strong against us even I had too admit that. The fall of darkness brought some relief as this meant I could finally get some sleep, well I could try anyway.

Sunday 28th November

We were woken and taken to the room where we had met Frank and Mr McCoy last week. When we got there they were waiting for us once again. Frank gave us another huge hug. It felt good to be hugged again. It was comforting in the environment we found ourselves in.
"Sammy the letter that Frank gave you do you still have it?" Mr McCoy asked
"Not on me no, its in the house under the floorboards next to my bed, why?" I was a little puzzled by this but he must have had a reason too ask it.
"Okay Ill send someone too get it. Its vital that we have that letter when we go to court in the morning. That letter is going too prove your innocence in this case" He smiled as he said it.
I got angry I couldn't help it but I started too shout.
"If it is so important why are we in here? Why haven't you used the letter before? We have been in here for over a week now and you ask for it now! What are you playing at?"
"Sammy, Sammy calm down. I know you are annoyed but we couldn't use the letter before Friday. We had to be sure that when we used it, it was the right time. I'm sorry for what you are going through but this will all end tomorrow I promise you"
"You promise! You promise! Do you know what its like in here?" Tears started too flow from my eyes I couldn't hold them back any longer.
"Hey Sammy" Frank put his arm around me and pulled me closed too him. "Remember the conversations we had back at my farm?" There was a softness too his voice a sense that he was trying too calm me down.
"Yes" I mumbled
"Well I need you to be strong for one more day. I promise you this will end tomorrow and then you can continue on your journey. Trust me Sammy I have never lied to you yet have I?"
I shook my head.
"Good lad. Now then Mr McCoy and I will go and get that letter and we will meet you in court in the morning too end this once and for all" He smiled at me and I tried to smile back but this was getting harder and harder by the day. What was so important about this letter? Tomorrow I guess I would find out.

Monday 29th November

We sat next too Mr McCoy waiting for the judge too appear and start the trail once again. After Paul's evidence on Friday we were not in a good position, however I had too believe that Mr McCoy and Frank had a plan that would work in our favour. We all rose too our feet as the judge entered the courtroom. He sat in his big leather chair and looked around him. His eyes then turned to Mr McCoy and he began too speak.
"Are you ready to cross examine the witness Mr McCoy?"
"Yes your honour"
"Then please call Paul to the stand"
Paul made his way towards the stand as he had done the day before. Very straight backed and head held high as if he was above all of these proceeding's. Paul took his seat and Mr McCoy walked towards him.
"Paul, on Friday you said that you had worked for the King for over 20 years and that he trusted you more than anyone else, is that correct?"
"If he trusted you so much why didn't he tell you about meeting Sammy?"
"I don't know, he didn't tell me everything obviously"
"But you said he did, so which is it did he or didn't he?"
"He told me what he thought I need too know"
"What you needed to know, did that annoy you?"
"I'm sorry I don't understand the question"
"Let me rephrase then, did the fact that the King seems too favour Sammy over you bother you?"
"A little yes"
"A little? Enough too want to kill the King?"
There were gasps all around the courtroom at the suggestion from Mr McCoy. Mr Johnson leaped too his feet.
"Objection your honour, the witness is not on trail here."
"Sustained Mr Johnson. Mr McCoy its your client that is on trail not the witness"
"Your honour if you would allow me too approach the bench I have a piece of evidence that I think the court may find of interest"
"Very well approach"
"Thank you your honour" Mr McCoy stepped forward and handed the Judge the letter that Frank had given me weeks before. The Judge opened the letter and his eyes arched upwards, a look of total surprise spread across his face. He composed himself and beckoned Mr Johnson towards the bench as well. Handing him the letter to read as well. Mr Johnson looked at Mr McCoy then back at the judge. What on earth was in that letter!.
"You may continue with this line of questioning Mr McCoy. Any objections Mr Johnson?"
"No your honour I feel this line of questioning must be allowed too continue"
Something was going on but I wasn't sure what. I edged further on my seat to see what was going too happen next.
"Paul" Mr McCoy was now standing in front of him his arms placed on the witness box in front of him.
"Yes" Paul was looking a lot more nervous than he had done a few moments ago.
"Sammy didn't kill the King did he?"
"Of course he did we have the evidence"
"We have the evidence that you said was there, yet there are no fingerprints on the gun are there?. Why is that?"
"I don't know" Paul was beginning too shift in his seat now
"Oh I think you do. Sammy please bring me a glass of water please"
"Come on Sammy its okay please bring me a glass of water now"
"Its okay Sammy Ill allow it" The Judge had a calmness in his voice as he poke so I did as I was asked and handed it too Mr McCoy
"Thank you Sammy please sit down again"
I did as I was told even more confused than ever now. I watched as Mr McCoy took a sip from the glass.
"Now then I shall ask you this one more time Paul. You killed the King didn't you"
"No I did not. Whats going on here this is a court of law you cant do this"
"Oh I think we can, cant we CARL" and with that Mr McCoy threw the water over Paul. Almost immediately the Penguin began too melt in front of my eyes. People screamed from the gallery and the Judge sat there in total silence. As he began too melt I could begin to make out the features of someone I knew, someone I recognised. Its cant be? Can it? Oh my god  ITS CARL!!!!!
"Arrest that man" cried the Judge.
Before anyone could move though Carl leaped from the witness box and made for the window. Jack and Tommy tried too grab him but weren't quick enough and with a huge crash he was gone through the window. Glass and window frame spraying the people around us.

Tuesday 30th November

I woke up the next morning pinching myself too make sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't and it hurt. I got up out of my bed and raced downstairs. The others were already up and sitting around the table eating as though they hadn't eaten before. A huge mound of eggs, bacon, sausages and toast were piled high in the middle of the table. Jack and Tommy were putting in as much as they could in their mouths at once.
"Morning Sammy" they both said at the same time through mouth fulls of food. It was good too see them happy again. Frank came in from the kitchen carrying another plate full of food.
"Hungry my boy?" He smiled as he said it.
"Yes please, but first I have some questions I need to ask"
"All in good time Sammy, but not today. You have had a very upsetting experience today you will eat and rest. Ill explain all too you tomorrow"
I knew better than to argue with Frank so I took the plate and sat down too eat with my friends, happy to be free once again.

Wednesday 1st December

After breakfast this morning Frank and I went for a walk. It was still cold outside and we wrapped up in warm coats. The snow crunched under our feet as we started too walk towards the town. I could see the lights shinning brightly and people were walking happily in the streets again. I was a little confused by this as even though we had been found not guilty, the King had still been killed. Surely they should have been more upset about this than they were.
"Yes Sammy"
"Why are the people happy?" I asked
"All in good time, we need too make our way to the Palace, someone there needs too see you" He looked straight ahead as he said it. I knew Frank well enough by now not to question him so I followed him through the mass of Penguins that went happily about their business until we reached the Palace. Frank knocked on the door and a young Penguin I hadn't seen before gestured us in and showed us to a side room. We waited there patiently for a few minutes not speaking. The door handle turned slowly and I watched as a Penguin entered the room. It cant be? Wow it is, then I fainted.
"Sammy, Sammy its okay honestly trust me its fine" I could hear Franks voice calling me and I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on a coach in the room we had been waiting in. I looked around me and there he was, the King.
"Sammy I owe you a great deal, more than that though I owe you an explanation. Are you okay? I didn't mean too frighten you." There was real concern in his voice as he moved slowly towards me.
I sat up and felt a huge grin begin too spread across my face.
"I'm fine" I smiled "If a little shocked, I thought I had buried you on top of the mountain. If it wasn't you who was it?"
He sat down beside me and looked me straight in the eye.
"It was a very brave Penguin who I owe my life too. The person you found face down in the snow on the mountain was my best friend Paul" A tear appeared in the corner of his eye.
Of course, I remembered now, I hadn't seen his face, because I assumed it was the King I didn't even look properly.
"Why was Paul there and not you?" I asked.
"That Sammy is the story I now need too tell you" He took a deep breath and began. " Carl came to see me the day after you arrived. He threatened to poison all the sweets in the town that the children ate if I didn't hand you and your friends too him. Of course I refused such a wish and he swore revenge. Paul knew about all of this and he pretend to be me when he met Carl for the second time. He told him that he would meet Carl at the top of the mountain with you and your friends and hand you over. Of course this was never going to happen, and I'm sorry I put you in that danger and for all you have been through, but Frank told me that you would be able too handle it"
I looked at Frank who smiled back at me
"You have come a long way Sammy. When the King told me of his plans I asked too come here but he said that if Carl saw me he would know that we were up to something so he asked me too wait which I did"
I looked back at the King who was watching my face for any kind of reaction.
"The voices you heard on the mountain were Carl and Paul arguing. I hoped too arrive in time to arrest him but we were too late. After Carl had killed Paul it was agreed that I would go into hiding until it was safe for me to appear again. Frank was already on his way and Mr McCoy was convinced that he could win the case all he needed was too get Carl on the stand and show the judge the letter."
Ah the letter, that reminded me.
"What was in the letter?" I asked
"Ill let Frank explain that said the King
"The letter was from me saying that Carl was a master of disguise and that when the King invited you to dinner he had too invite the Dragons as well. They would be able too tell straight away if you were the real Sammy or not. Kai would have tipped the King off if you weren't"
Yes Kai my Dragon no wonder Frank had been so keen for us too take the Dragons he knew that Carl would try again and they were our security too make sure nothing happened too us.
"The Judge saw the letter from Frank and knew straight away that Paul was not who he said he was. Then it was up to Mr McCoy to use the water trick and the rest you know" The King finished and his head dropped a little.
"Whats wrong?" I asked
"Carl is still out there Sammy, the only place he has left now is to head to the North Pole and try and take over from Father Christmas. You have too stop him, its up to you now"
Wow! It all came down to this then. One more time I would have to do battle with Carl. I had too stop him before its too late.
"Of course I will" I said standing up. "Its the least I owe Paul"
"Excellent, but first please stay for dinner. There is something I want you to do for me as well if that's not too much to ask after all you have been through?"
"Anything for you your Majesty"
"Tomorrow I would like you to lead my people up to the mountain and show them where Paul is buried. I would like you to stay for his funeral and then be on your way"
"It would be an honour" We shook hands and left the room towards the sound of laughter and the smell of food. I looked out the window and saw Kai and the other Dragons waiting patiently for me outside. He nodded at me as our eyes met. We both knew what we had to do now.

Thursday 2nd December

Today was a very sad day. Myself and Kai flew up to the mountain top where we met the King and some of his guards. I'd asked the others if they wanted to come but they said no. This was something I had to do on my own. I showed them where Paul had been buried and once they had retrieved the body and took him back too the Palace, we said our goodbyes and left. The King told me that they were going too erect a statue in the town square in memory of the sacrifice that Paul had made. It seemed only right that he be remembered for the courage and bravery that he had shown in the way that he had protected the people of this town. The town he loved so much he made the ultimate sacrifice and paid with his life.
My thoughts turned to the final task that lay ahead of me. Stopping Carl from ruining Christmas. I had come so far, seen and experienced so many things, beyond my age, but I knew that this time I had too see this through to the end. Christmas was at stake after all. In the morning we would leave for Father Christmas's town and our final battle with Carl. A battle we had to win what ever the cost.

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