Friday 10th December
Sorry I couldn't tell you all about what this place looks like but I was in shock. Imagine every film you have ever seen that shows where Father Christmas lives. Then add them all together and you might just get close enough. It is the most colourful, bright, warm place you have ever seen. It totally took my breath away. The biggest Christmas tree in the world stood in the middle of the village. Lights of every colour lit it up. The tinsel was gold and red and twinkled as the lights shone brightly above them. Around the bottom of the tree where hundreds and hundreds of perfectly wrapped presents all finished with a different colour ribbon and a bow tied neatly on top. The houses were small and made of wood and each one had a different colour door. In the windows you could see lights and decorations that shone out into the darkness of the night. The whole place was awash with colours, so much so it took our breathes away. We just stood there staring not saying a word with the biggest stupidest grins on our faces that you could imagine. We weren't sure how long we had stood there but eventually we decided that we had better walk further into the mass of colour and introduce ourselves. As we started too walk past the first house an Elf came running towards us, he looked a little out of breath and his cheeks were bright red.
"Who are you? Can I help?" He panted
"We are here to work with Father Christmas" I replied
"Are you from the coach party?" He asked a look of concern spreading across his face
"Yes, but we got separated a long time ago and we have had too make our own way here" I replied starting too worry that something bad had happened
"Ah very well, then you must come with me at once" He began too tug at my shirtsleeve
"Hey hold on a minute. Whats going on?" I asked worriedly
"Nothing for you too worry about at the moment. The Chief Elf will explain it all. Now come on please we must hurry time is of the essence" He gave my arm another mighty tug nearly pulling me over. I looked at Jack and Tommy and they both shrugged their shoulders as if to say what are you waiting for. Begrudgingly I started too follow the Elf towards the row of house at the back of the village. What on earth could be so important that it couldn't wait?
Saturday 11th December
The Elf lead us too a huge building that loomed out at us from behind the other houses in the village. I'm not sure how we didn't see it at first. Perhaps due to the large Christmas tree and all its lights we needed time for our eyes too adjust. He stopped and knocked on the door. A small flap opened and closed very quickly. Then a huge creaking sound came from the doors and they slowly began to open. Light flooded out from the gap in the door and we we followed the Elf inside. Elf's were all over the place, there was a huge conveyor belt in the middle of the room with a row of Elf's down each side busily picking things up and putting them down again. They were all wearing the same clothes, red jumpers and green dungarees, with red hats on their heads. They all seemed happy with what they were doing and from what I could see they were doing it well. Behind them was another group of elves this time with blue jumpers and hats with green dungaree's on. They were packing things into boxes and passing them through a hole in the wall. They were singing as they did it as well. The impression I was getting was that this was a fun place to work and it seemed that it would be everything that I had dreamed it would be. As we walked through the room we had entered we headed towards a staircase at the back of the room.
"Come on, come on, hurry up please we don't have a lot of time you know" The Elf was shouting over his shoulder as he started too climb the stairs
"Time for what?" I asked
"You'll see in a minute" He answered
We followed him as quickly as we could. When we got too the top of the stairs we turned left and walked along a corridor. As we walked I noticed that in the rooms around us Elf's were busily putting things together, they had yellow jumpers, yellow hats and green dungaree's. I was beginning too get this now. The colour of their clothes was like a uniform that told you where they worked and what their job was. I thought about this for a moment, trying to work out what part I wanted to work on. Did I want to do the assembly? Possibly seemed fun, the packing? Not to sure about that one, what about the conveyor belt part? It seemed you needed nimble hands for that and unfortunately I didn't have the nimblest of hands I'm afraid.
"Here we are" He stopped by a Red door that had a name plate on it
Knock, Knock, Knock he tapped the door three times then waited for the answer too come
"Come in" the voice was deep and warm.
He opened the door and led us into the room. An old Elf was sitting behind the desk a huge smile on his face. He had on a Green hat and his jumper was a mixture of all the colours we had seen as was his trousers.
"Boys welcome, how are you all? I hear from some friends of mine you have had quite a journey getting here. Let me introduce myself I am James the Chief Elf and Father Christmas's Number 1 helper. Its a pleasure too meet you all at last." He walked around the large dark wooden desk and came towards us his hand outstretched.
"Yes we have" I replied shaking it
"Well your here now, I see you have met Erp my trusted helper" He said looking at the Elf who had met us on the streets of the village. So that was his name he had been in such a hurry too get us here that we hadn't even asked his name.
"Yes thank you, can I ask a question if that's okay?" I needed something answered straight away
"Oh let me guess, you want to know whats happened too your families on the coach correct?" He smiled as he said it which reassured me a little
"Yes" Me and Tommy said at the same time
He laughed loudly at us and placed his hands on both of our shoulders
"Boys don't worry they will be here by Christmas Eve. You see when the coach driver went missing we had too send a replacement, he got lost getting there, but its all okay now they will join you shortly. Now then you must be hungry? Ill arrange some food for you too eat and then off to bed with you. You start work in the morning" He looked at Erp and smiled
We looked at each other and smiled we were going too start work tomorrow and I couldn't wait.
Sunday 12th December
We woke up early the next morning too find a new set of clothes neatly folded up at the end of the bed. We had been taken to a large house where there were rows and rows of bunk beds. We were told we would stay here until our families arrived and then we would be given houses in the village if we worked hard enough. Me and Tommy had Red hats and jumpers with the green dungarees which meant we would be working on the conveyor belt. Jack however didn't have any clothes at the end of his bed. A little confused by this we got dressed quickly and made our way downstairs. When we got to the bottom of the stairs Erp was standing there waiting for us.
"Morning boys" He said cheerily
"Morning" I replied
He looked at Jack and shook his head.
"Jack you need too come with me first, Sammy and Tommy make your way to the conveyor belt and ask for an Elf called Devel he will show what you need to do.
"Wheres Jack going?" I asked
"Don't worry he needs to see James before he can start work. Leprechauns do different work to us but I can assure you he will be fine"
"Its okay Sammy, Ill be fine" Jack half smiled as he said it. I think he was trying too convince us as much as himself.
"Okay then we shall see you later" I said as he left the house with Erp.
"Well then" said Tommy "Shall we get going?"
I nodded in agreement but I was a little worried about Jack. After all he had been here before when he was much younger and was worried about returning.
We made our way to the big building and knocked on the door. The panel opened and closed as quickly as it had the day before and the door opened and we walked through it. We headed towards the conveyor belt looking for James. He wasn't too difficult too spot he stood out a mile to be honest. He was a large man with a huge smile on his face, older than the Elf's that were working on the built. He was walking up and down it making sure that the Elf's were doing things properly as he passed them by. Every now and then he would stop and say something too one of them and then he would carry on. Me and Tommy walked nervously towards him, but before we could say anything he stopped and looked right at us, an even bigger smile came across his face.
"Sammy and Tommy I presume?"
We nodded
"Good, nice too meet you boys. Now then lets show you what we are doing here and then you can have a go yourselves okay?"
Again we nodded
"Right then come up here to the line. what you boys are about to do is the most important part of the present making procedure. You need to make sure that there is nothing missing from any of the toys that go past you. Batteries wont be in there unfortunately, we decided long ago that if we were making the presents the least the parents could do would be to buy the batteries. Now then boys this is what you need to do" He lent over the conveyor belt and picked up a toy twisted it around in his hands then placed it back on the belt. He did this a second time but this time he placed the toy in a large bin that was next too him.
"Now then that first was one was perfect, no missing parts so its good to go. However the second one had a part missing so it goes in this bin here and we then fix it and send it off to a place called Toys R Us ready for their sales in the New Year. Unfortunately we don't have time to fix it now otherwise we would. How about you boys have a go?" He smiled and nudged us forward
We nervously took our places side by side at the conveyor belt and picked up a toy each. I had picked up a toy car and looked at it too make sure it was okay.When I decided it was I placed it back on the belt and waited for the next one too arrive. Tommy did the same thing as well.
"There you go a pair of naturals. Okay boys Ill leave you to it, enjoy yourselves that's the most important thing" and with that he walked away from us.
We worked hard that first day, picking up toys and making sure they were all correct. the ones that weren't we placed in the bin. The day flew past and at the end of the day when we had finished our work James came to see us.
"Well how was that then?" He asked smiling
"Great" I said
"Excellent I'm glad you enjoyed it. Listen why don't you boys go and get some food and then come to my house later on and you can tell me all about your journey here. Does that sound good?"
"That would be great" I replied
"Excellent well I live in the house closest to the Christmas Tree with the yellow door. Ill see you later then boys"
"Defiantly" Tommy replied as we watched him walk away whistling a tune too himself.
This was everything I had hoped it would be..........so far.
Monday 13th December
We had a great night at James house he seemed so friendly and told us stories of how long he had been here and ow he had worked his way up. He listened as we told him about our journey too get here, not saying a word but nodding every now and then. When we had finished he smiled and said he wished he had been there too meet this Frank and Ellie. He had a look in his eye though that I thought meant he knew them but I wasn't sure so didn't ask. He walked us back too our house and wished us goodnight. We fell into a deep sleep tired from the days events. Jack didn't come back too our room last night. When we asked they said he was off doing something special and that he wouldn't be back for a few days. Me and Tommy accepted this as we were sure nothing could go wrong now, not here, not in Father Christmas's village surely? How wrong we were. As we took our places at the conveyor built this morning a young Elf came up to me and started whispering. I couldn't make out what he was saying at first but could see from his face that something was bothering him. He asked me too meet him at lunchtime by the Christmas Tree as he had something I needed too know. He then asked me not too say anything to anyone else, Tommy was a little surprised by this but I told him not to worry and that I would be okay. At lunchtime I went to meet the Elf by the tree. I stood there waiting for a good 10 minutes before he arrived. I nearly left when I saw him running across the square towards me a look of panic on his face. He was being chased by some larger Elf's who were dressed in some sort of uniform. I hadn't seen them before but they looked like police officers, although I couldn't be sure. As he ran past he threw an envelope at my feet and I bent down and picked it up shoving it into my pocket as quickly as I could before anyone saw me. He ran past me and went straight on towards the edge of the village and kept going. The ones that were chasing him stopped at the edge and watched as he disappeared into the snow covered mounds in front of us. I decided that standing there perhaps wasn't the best option and made my way back inside as quickly as I could. I needed to find Tommy and tell him what I had seen as quickly as possible. Something wasn't right here, something was wrong very wrong. I needed too find out what it was as quickly as I could.
Tuesday 14th December
I couldn't find Tommy when I went back to the factory and he also didn't come to bed that night. What was going on? Why did all my friends keep disappearing? I didn't have to wait too long too find out. Erp was waiting for me outside the house as I left this morning. He had two of the policeman type people with him. I went too walk past him but he stopped me as I did so.
"Morning Sammy, can I have a moment of your time please?" He asked casually
"Yes of course whats the matter?" I replied as calmly as I could
"You were seen standing by the tree yesterday. I just wondered what you were doing there?"
"Oh nothing I decided to have a closer look at it that's all" I shrugged my shoulders
"Really, you wasn't waiting for anyone was you?"
"Who me? No why would I have been?"
"You were seen talking to Rang, do you know him well?"
That must have been the other Elf's name that wanted too meet me. I needed too play this cool
"Oh was that his name? He didn't say when he asked me how I was finding it on the conveyor belt yesterday" I smiled
"Are you sure that's all he said?" He leaned in closer so that his nose was almost touching mine, his breath smelt of fish was which wasn't very pleasant I must admit.
"Yes why? Was he supposed too have told me something else?" I asked
"No, not at all. Its just that he isn't here anymore so I wondered if he had said anything about where he was going?" He pulled away a little now, thank god for that I nearly passed out from the smell.
"No nothing" I shrugged again
"Very well then, if you see him though make sure you tell us straight away wont you"
"Of course" I smiled
"Good lad now of you go you don't want to be late do you?" He waved his hand int he direction of the factory.
"Nope not on my third day" I said and I started too walk quickly towards the factory. I could feel him watching me as I walked away. Something was going on here, something bad. I needed too find Rang and find out what it was. I pushed my hands deeper into my pockets and gripped the letter he had thrown at me the day before a little tighter.
Wednesday 15th December
I was very careful too keep my head down yesterday at the questioning that had gone on the day before I wanted too draw as little attention too myself as possible. There was still no sign of Jack or Tommy and I was beginning too worry. I had too find Rang but where did I start?. The answer to that question would come later today. After I had spent the morning doing my best to make sure that I didn't draw attention to myself. As I went too get my lunch I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see an Elf standing there who was wearing the Orange uniform. I hadn't seen him before but he seemed to want to talk to me quite urgently.
"Hello" I said
"Hi Sammy, look I have a message from Rang but I cant tell you it here, can I meet you by your house later tonight?" He seemed very nervous and I wasn't sure I could trust him but what did I have too loose?. My friends were disappearing and there was something wrong here. I hadn't seen Father Christmas and no one seemed too be mentioning him. They all seemed a little oblivious too what was going on around them. Or they knew what was going on and had decided too ignore it!. I had to do something too many children were waiting on these presents for me not to help as much as I could.
"Okay" I said nodding my head
"Good, Ill see you there at about 8pm if that's alright?"
I nodded again. He turned and walked away disappearing into the crowd of Elf's as if he hadn't been there at all. The afternoon passed so quickly and I made my way home as quickly as possible. I wolfed down my dinner and waited outside the house for the Elf too appear. I didn't have long to wait as he appeared around the side of the house.
"Sammy do you have the letter Rang gave you?" He asked
"Yes I do why?" I asked
"Its a map Sammy. Rang wants you too meet him there tomorrow. You mustn't tell anyone of what you are going to do its important that no one knows where you are going. Do you understand?"
"Yes, who are you though and how do I know that I'm not being set up?"
"Frank sends his best wishes" and with that he was gone again.
Frank? What did Frank have to do with all of this? Who was Frank? He kept appearing when I needed him most, always there to reassure me and comfort me. I had to find out who he really was once and for all. Not now though, firstly I had too find my friends and find out what was really going on and stop it if I could.
Thursday 16th December
I crept out of the house early in the morning before anyone else was awake. I slowly walked along the edge of the village until I reached the very last house. I pulled the map from my pocket and unfolded it. There was a line that was drawn on it that led away from the village. I followed it as best I could. I walked for what felt like hours but was probably only 30-40 minutes tops. As I followed the map I noticed that there were footprints in the snow. It was like someone had been this way already. I kept checking the map and the footsteps were going the same way. Was I walking into a trap? I wasn't sure but I kept going anyway. As I got to the end of the map I noticed a huge mound of snow that was tucked away behind a tree. I would have walked past it if I hadn't had the map I was sure of that. I slowly walked towards it not sure what too expect, nervous and unsure I was doing the right thing I slowly edged towards it. As I came around the front of it I noticed a door. Was this a house? In the middle of nowhere? Id seen stranger things that was for sure but I was still a little shocked. I knocked sharply on the door and tensed myself up not sure what to expect next. Slowly the door opened and there standing in the door way was Rang. He smiled at me, I smiled back sure that this was going to be okay now.
"Come in Sammy, I have a lot too tell you"
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