Thursday, 23 September 2010

The Diary Of Sammy The Elf

Hi let me introduce myself my name is Sammy. This is my diary of my adventures travelling to the North Pole to help Father Christmas. Its every Elf's dream to be selected to undertake the very important job of making the presents that you all receive on Christmas Day. Every year letters are sent out towards the end of September asking any Elf's that have turned 12 to come and help. This year I'm hoping its going to be me!. I'll keep a diary of my adventures and I have asked Anthony to post it for me on his blog which he has agreed to do. So I hope you enjoy it and come back every week to find out what has happened to me. Here is my first ever entry. Enjoy it, Sammy x

Friday 17th September

Oh WOW!!! Am I excited or what? Today is the day the letter should be coming, well I say should but if you had met our postman you would understand that miracles happen when he walks down the road. He is soooo old. I mean really old. I asked him once how old he was and he said 38. 38!!!! That's ancient isn't it?. It takes him forever to get anywhere. He walks so slowly with his big bag of post on his shoulder. He has a big red face as well which is always sweaty euurrggghhhh!. Anyway its not my birthday, and I'm not going to the football. So why am I so excited? Well I'll let you into a little secret. You mustn't tell anyone though? Ready? Okay, every year at this time when an Elf turns 12 he  gets a letter inviting him to the North Pole. Oh yeah right forgot you don't know do you? Well that's where all the toys are made. No not China or Taiwan that's just a cover story. The toys are made at the North Pole and Father Christmas delivers them. You don't believe me? Well then follow my diary and Ill prove you wrong. Oh here's the postman gotta go speak to you tomorrow. Sammy

Saturday 18th September

My Mum is so embarrassing. Remember the letter I told you about yesterday? Well she got it before I did,opened it and cried. She then grabbed me so tight I couldn't breathe then she kissed me all over my face, ruffled my hair, looked at me again and started to cry AGAIN!!!. What is it with her? Dad just smiled and said "Well done son". At least that's what I think he said as he was hiding behind his paper and I swear I could hear him trying not to get upset. My god I have the most embarrassing parents in the world!!!. Anyway I manged too break free and ran round to Tommy's house. Hes my best mate. We've been friends since Elfants school. He was waiting on his door step when I got there a huge grin on his face and a letter in his hand. To be honest though he did look like he had just woken up, his brown hair was a mess and he still had on his Ben 10 pyjamas. It was good news though we would be going together. Could this day get any better?

Sunday 19th September

Nan came round today for dinner. I got the big lecture about how proud she was and what an honour it was to be invited to help at the North Pole then she kissed me as well. Whats with all the kissing? They will wear my face out at this rate. Grandad was cool, he gave me some money to spend on my journey. He started to tell me stories of how he was invited as a lad but Nan dug him one in the ribs and he stopped. I think they want me to find out what its like for myself. The little brother Johnny was a pain. I like him, well a little bit, oh alright then I do, but all he does is cry. He cries when he is hungry, when he wants picking up, when he is bored, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry. I know its not his fault hes a baby, and blimey those nappies are fun when he fills them. They smell like Dads old socks. Dad wont go near them, he pretends he is asleep when the smell reaches across the room. Mum knows he's not so she hangs the baby right in front of his face, swaying the baby from side to side until he cant stand it any longer, his nose creases up and his face goes bright red as he holds his breath until he lets out a huge gasp and tries not to be sick. Its quite funny watching it. The baby seems to enjoy it as well because he keeps laughing when Mum does it. Right its time for bed. See you tomorrow.

Monday 20th September

Tommy came round today. We spent most of the day looking at a map of where the North Pole was. We had planned our route and everything until Mum came in and told us we were looking at the South Pole. This may be harder than I thought.

Tuesday 21st September

Shopping day today. We went to the shopping center in town, and  looked at soooo many clothes. None I liked. All I wanted was the red trainers with the white stripe but apparently I had to have warm clothes. Warm clothes are so boring. Ive got enough jumpers and hats to now last me until I'm 30, I'm only 12 now so I'll never get too wear anything else other than hats and jumpers ever again. Mum kept blubbing as well which didn't help. Every time she chose something she cried and kept saying how proud she was. The baby was funny though, he kept smiling at this woman and when she lent in to tickle his chin he grabbed her ears and bit her nose. Mum was so embarrassed and kept apologising. The woman wasn't happy at all. She had a teeth marks on her nose and it was bright red as well. Johnny kept laughing, he thought it was very funny I'm beginning to like this baby brother of mine even more.

Wednesday 22nd September

Another letter arrived today with details of how we were going to get to the North Pole. Tommy's Mum and Dad came round today as well. All the parents were sitting round the table talking about how proud they were of us whilst me and Tommy were planning our big adventure. I think we have to get on a bus but I'm not quite sure yet. I cant wait to meet Father Christmas he is a hero of mine. Mind you he could do with losing a few pounds couldn't he?. It must be all the mince pies he eats. I hope he saves us some.Saying that though we get the chance to make all the presents for you lot to open on Christmas Day how cool is that? We do things differently as Elf's. We go to school for 8 months of the year, from January to the end of August, then if we are 12 we get a letter like I did inviting us to help Father Christmas. The best behaved ones get to stay there, with all our family. We go to the Santa school of toy making and when we finish school we get a job at Father Christmases toy factory. The ones that aren't well behaved are sent home and have to stay in school with you lot then go and get a proper job. How horrible is that? A proper job!. No thank you matey I want to work for Father Christmas. Working for the big man in the red suit. I'll have to be on my best behaviour and try my hardest. I cant wait.

Thursday 23rd September

Time for an early night tonight we have to be ready to leave at 4am. I've never been awake that early ever. The bags are packed at the bottom of the stairs and I need to get to sleep. Apparently its going too take nearly a month to get there. We have to travel to all these different places. I'm so excited I cant sleep. Hold on me mums coming I can hear her trying to walk up the stairs quietly. Yep shes just trod on the squeaky floorboard again. Shes been packing all day. Ive never seen so much stuff. Better get me head down and the light off before she tells me off. Night all.