Friday 5 August 2016

A Question of Faith

I find myself getting older and looking for something but Im not quite sure what it is. I feel like Im in need of some faith, something that would guide me through more difficult times, perhaps something to believe in, to have absolute faith in the fact that this will be what makes me more comfortable with who I am. To believe that I can be a better person, for my family, my friends and for my own benefit.

Religion has crossed my mind a few times. That sense of belonging to something, the fact that you are able to rely on others for support, the sense of community it gives people. I wonder if thats what Im looking for? I've looked at Christianity a few times but it always comes back to the same things for me, you dont treat everyone the same, homosexuals are not recognized, and if there is a God then why does he allow bad people to do bad things?

Perhaps Im simplifying it a little. All religions have their faults but they give people so much courage and hope, and I wonder if Im missing out on that? Am I denying myself the chance to feel better about myself I suppose?. Im not slipping back to the black dog by the way, I guess as I get older and I start to question my own morality Im looking for something to help me cope better with lifes challenges.

I have a wonderful family, Im happier than I've ever been but I feel sometimes I need something else. Perhaps what Im after is someone to tell me its all going to be okay. Im a huge country fan and I see how it brings people together and how huge the church is to them. not only in their music but to their fans and way of life as well. It gets mentioned in numerous songs, and it gives them a sense of peace that I feel Im missing.

I just struggle with the intolerance of others and their lifestyle choices that all religions are so against. You dont chose to be who you are, you born that way, so why cant religion accept that? Why cant it be modernized a little to envelope all of us? Why cant we use science alongside faith a little more? Surely if all religion promotes peace and hatred then why are there so many wars?

At the age I am Im after some answers, Im ready to accept religion as part of my life and the love and support it will give me, but I cant and wont go against what I believe in as well. So here I am stuck in the middle as it were. I bet there are others like me as well. So how do resolve it? How do we become more peaceful as a society if we are told to forget everything that we believe in not to be true?

I dont have the answer to that question, Im going to throw this one out there and hopefully have a reasoned debate with people from both sides. So how do you convince me to put my beliefs in science alongside religion and hopefully allow me to join in what I see as an experience perhaps Im missing out on.


  1. We've never met, but I think you know that I'm a person of faith. For me, knowing God is there, and loves me, is as natural as breathing. I'm a convert, so this wasn't always how I felt, but life before I came to that knowledge was dark and dreary. Life without God makes no sense.

    I don't believe because I fear death, or because I'm a weak person who needs a crutch, or because I'm stupid. I have a degree, a professional career, and I'm a tough woman. Neither am I hypocritical. I don't pretend to be perfect, or better than anyone else. Quite the contrary - I know I'm a sinner struggling to live up to an impossible standard.

    What you say in your blog about church offering a sense of belonging and support is true, but it's not a social club. You also raise some important issues, and they are things which Christianity is working through at the moment. Only two years before I was born (in 1968) homosexuality was illegal: now it's government sanctioned and celebrated. That's a big change in a short time, so it's little surprise that an institution which has been around for over 2,000 years and is mostly run by old people is struggling with what to make of that. But it's not doctrine, and Christians have very different views on the subject, so it's not something that should affect your decision.

    Don't think you have to abandon science, either. Remember: "Christianity and Science are opposed, but only in the sense that my thumb and forefinger are opposed, and between them I can grasp everything."

    I'd love to discuss this with you, either by PM, email, or in person. I love talking about my faith and I'd be happy to help you explore the subject.

  2. Believe in yourself brother. Believe in your family and your fellow man. You are a good man Tony. I sometimes also want something to believe in and absolute faith in a god or two sounds good in theory but for me, religion is responsible for lots and lots of death and division and the only tenable return I see is people feeling like they belong. For me, personally, and it is just an opinion, the cost is too high.

    That said, as your friend, I would encourage you to exploread all of your optionsite and look into as many religions as you want to. You should. You should see if any make you happy. Then you should follow that religion. The only way you will find the answer to this question is practice and research. You never know, you could make an excellent hindu!

  3. Believe in yourself brother. Believe in your family and your fellow man. You are a good man Tony. I sometimes also want something to believe in and absolute faith in a god or two sounds good in theory but for me, religion is responsible for lots and lots of death and division and the only tenable return I see is people feeling like they belong. For me, personally, and it is just an opinion, the cost is too high.

    That said, as your friend, I would encourage you to exploread all of your optionsite and look into as many religions as you want to. You should. You should see if any make you happy. Then you should follow that religion. The only way you will find the answer to this question is practice and research. You never know, you could make an excellent hindu!
